March 28, 2025

From the Barns: Seeding success

I’m delighted to report that our aerial seeding of wheat into standing soybeans is a success. Even though it’s been extremely dry, some rainfall evidently found its way to the wheat seeds lying beneath mulch provided by the fallen soybean leaves and every seed germinated and is flourishing nicely. We cut some of the aforementioned soybeans after dark one night and the aroma and beautiful green field looked and smelled just like the finest freshly cut golf course I’ve ever seen. A big giant fairway in the moonlight is something to behold. I hope the cows appreciate it.

We have continued to spread manure and follow up with wheat planting that will be either grazed out or cut for wheatlage next spring. Most likely it will be pasture for the millions of snow geese on their way back north when winter releases its grip on us. I’m sure something will make good use of our effort regardless. Recent showers have revitalized the pastures, and even though we are feeding a good number of cows, they all are out foraging most of every day. The calves have figured out the corn silage routine and will be easy to wean whenever we get to it.

Preg checking the heifers is scheduled in the near future and with the market as strong as it’s been we look forward to getting the opens on feed and gone as soon as possible. Cull cow values are pretty stout, too, so getting any fat, dry cows sorted and sold makes good sense, as well.

Football season has concluded and basketball has already started, so Linda and I have plenty of places to be in the evenings now that the clocks have been changed and darkness comes in the middle of the day. Dark by 5 p.m., asleep in my chair by 7 p.m. and up by midnight is a killer for me, so evenings spent in some gymnasium is a good thing, even if it comes with a healthy dose of fast food somewhere along the way.

Evidently romance is as communicable as COVID-19. Last month I reported on granddaughter Allyson’s wedding and before my next report I will have attended granddaughter Josie’s wedding, as well. Should make for a more crowded Christmas card. Never a dull moment down on the ranch.

Steve Foglesong

Steve Foglesong

Astoria, Ill.