January 29, 2025

Bayer further commits to crop protection innovation with planned introduction of Diflufenican

Farmer-centric innovation spans product portfolio

ST. LOUIS — New seed innovation has long dominated the row crop landscape, but it’s not the only part of production Bayer Crop Science has its eyes on. Bayer has a history of leading innovations in crop protection and that commitment is still very real in today’s climate.

One such innovation is Diflufenican, a new herbicide for North America. Diflufenican, which will be introduced under the brand name Convintro mid-decade, aims to tackle two of the most prolific weeds facing farmers today — waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth.

Pending Environmental Protection Agency approval, Convintro products will be available to soybean growers for burndown and pre-emergence applications. The herbicide also will serve as a new weed control tool for corn growers.

“Diflufenican has been used for years in Europe, managing broadleaf weeds in crops such as lentils and winter cereals,” said Robert Schrick, broadacre crop protection business lead for Bayer. “The addition of a product with Diflufenican as the active ingredient for soybean and corn use is not only a first for North America, but a completely new site of action for Palmer Amaranth and waterhemp control in soybeans and corn, providing farmers another tool to add to their weed management plans.”

Providing a new site of action will help soybean farmers manage yield-robbing weeds, but Schrick noted a balanced approach to management is still the right approach.

“When it comes to weed management, a best practice is still to use multiple sites of action,” Schrick said. “Management plans that cover multiple years and crops will help farmers avoid issues like resistance.”

Bayer’s focus on farmer-centric solutions spans its broad product portfolio, at a time when new tools in crop protection couldn’t be more important. Bayer recognizes that farmers are facing increasing challenges managing pests and is working with them to provide solutions that set them up for success in the future.

Bayer’s crop protection product research encompasses new and old chemistries, giving a different look at some of those some age-old problems.

“Effective options in integrated weed management are a necessity,” said Frank Rittemann, Bayer product manager for corn, soy and cotton herbicides. “We are taking a look at chemistries that control some of farmers’ most challenging pests and we’re relying on science to bring those options to the market, including previously untapped sites of action.”

Bayer research also continues to explore opportunities to challenge the status quo and work toward new innovations for its customers.

“While there may be no proverbial silver bullets, our crop protection focus will provide continuous advances, adding additional tools where farmers need it most,” Rittemann said.