January 26, 2025

Miravis Neo delivers protection and plant-health benefits

WYOMING, Ill. — After a mixed bag of weather and moisture conditions, corn and soybean fields in Northern and central Illinois are off and running.

“With the warmer temperatures, the corn crop is starting to grow rapidly and get to that nitrogen to start greening up substantially. It seems like things are turning around from a corn standpoint and corn is off to the races now,” said Kevin Scholl, Syngenta agronomy service representative for Northern and central Illinois.

Scholl said the soybean crop, which lagged behind due to cool growing conditions, perked up.

“We went into that cool weather, and just recently soybeans have taken off. Soybeans that were planted really early were stagnant, and the soybeans planted later have made up the gap and are looking pretty good also,” Scholl said.

The improving crop conditions and rapid growth also mean that diseases could be on the move in both crops, including foliar diseases.

Scholl said that a combination of yield-robbing diseases and higher commodity prices make the decision to implement fungicides, like Miravis® Neo from Syngenta, easy.

“Growers need to be going for yield this year, with commodity prices the way they are,” he said.

Scholl said Miravis Neo and its three modes of action are effective in tackling the major corn foliar diseases, like gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and tar spot, but also in preserving plant health.

In a year where rainfall is plentiful throughout the growing season, the focus is on disease prevention. But in a year that has shown so far to be on the drier side, Miravis Neo steps up to help plants make grain.

“We’ve got multiple modes of action in there that help with what we call plant health or plant optimization. It keeps the plant greener out there in the field. It allows the plant to continue with photosynthesis and be able to fill weight into those kernels and increase yield that way,” Scholl said.

And even in dry conditions, disease pathogens can linger and rob fields of much-needed bushels.

In soybeans, Miravis Neo tackles key foliar diseases and has something extra.

“Miravis Neo, on soybeans, is kind of a unique product in that it has white mold activity. So, if growers are concerned about white mold, especially if we get a lot of moisture or continue to get wetter later in the growing season, at that R1 growth stage of soybeans, an application of Miravis Neo can help keep white mold at bay,” Scholl said.

Scholl said the R3 growth stage is when growers need to be alert for other diseases in soybeans.

“Normally the timing for soybeans is at the R3 growth stage, which is beginning pods and that’s where you are really going to look for diseases like septoria brown spot and frogeye leaf spot, to be able to control those,” Scholl said.

To learn more about Miravis Neo, visit BoostYourBushels.com.

Product performance assumes disease presence. Performance assessments are based upon results or analysis of public information, field observations and/or internal Syngenta evaluations.

©2021 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Miravis® is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.

This column was contributed by Illinois AgriNews for Syngenta.

Jeannine Otto

Jeannine Otto

Field Editor