Foreign investors with an interest in agricultural land in the United States are required to report their land holdings and transactions to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

While overall economic activity expanded slightly since late February, ag sector concerns remain due to income prospects and weather.

For Doug McKalip, the chief agricultural negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, removing barriers to and boosting U.S. agricultural exports and trade is a work in progress.

Corn growers are positioned to meet the needs of the sustainable aviation fuel industry, but hurdles remain.

With updated quarterly grain stocks data in place, wheat and soybean ending stocks were moved upward and corn stocks slid downward in the agricultural supply and demand estimates report.

The annual county crop and livestock estimates along with the July cattle report and cotton objective yield survey are now history after the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the cancellation of those reports.

U.S. soybean ending stocks and if there will be a convergence of conflicting Brazilian soybean production estimates were among the questions ahead of the agricultural supply and demand estimates report.